With winter nearly upon us, homeowners are thinking about and planning on how they can save energy and lower your heating bills during the cold winter months. For most people, it can be almost painful to open those heating and utility bills during the cold months because your overall heating system is quite costly to run during this time of the year. Though it is necessary to run your furnace regularly during the winter time, there are some steps you can take that will certainly help to reduce your energy use this winter and every winter thereafter.
The expert teams here at South Nashville Heating & Cooling are committed to providing all our clients with superior products and top of the line services, which includes offering insight and information on how to save energy and lower your heating bills. Having families and homes of our own, we know full well how important it is to keep both your family and home warm and comfortable throughout the bitter, very cold winter months. However, there are energy efficient steps you can take to accomplish this very task.
Tips on How to Lower Your Heating Bills This Winter
Before the cold, frigid winter months set in, try following these helpful tips from the experts here at South Nashville Heating & Cooling.
- Perform a professional tune-up of your home heating system. This is the primary way to ensure that your heating system is not wasting power during the winter months. Those heating systems that are set in operation without performing an annual tune-up typically will lose an average of 5-8% of its energy efficiency each year. Though this percentage does not seem to be drastically high it will certainly add up over time, especially if you allow your heating system to go several years without a tune up. In that case, you may find yourself paying almost 20-25% more to operate and run your system.
- Change your furnace filters regularly. The filter on your furnace accumulates a great deal of dirt, dander, dust, and all sorts of other debris as it runs during the winter months. Usually within a month of regular operation, you will see that your filter has become clogged and has cut off airflow, which causes the furnace to work much harder and even results in drained power. Changing the filter regularly will ensure efficient and effective operation of your heating system throughout the season. As a rule of thumb, we here at South Nashville Heating & Cooling suggest you change the air filter at least every month.
- Keep your thermostat at a steady and lower setting. It is remarkably wasteful to turn your thermostat up very high. We recommend that you set your thermostat at about 68-70 degrees for a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere in your home. It never hurts to wear warmer clothing indoors to help feel warm and comfortable at all times. It is important to keep your thermostat set at this same level all day and when going to bed at night you should turn it down a bit, which will help to lower your heating bills by a noticeable 25% at least. Be certain to keep the thermostat down when you are away from the home as well.
- Make certain your humidifier is set appropriately so as to balance the humidity in your home. The humidifier does work magic at making your home feel warm and will allow you to cut down on how often and frequently your heat has to be on.
Don’t waste energy this winter. Follow these helpful tips and you are sure to lower your heating bills, and don’t forget reach out to the highly skilled and professional technicians here at South Nashville Heating & Cooling for your annual tune-up and any other heating or cooling services or repairs you may need. We look forward to helping all our valued clients enjoy better, safer, and energy saving home heating year after year.