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Winter Air Quality
In winter, we seal our homes up as tight as drums to help keep our homes cozy and prevent outrageous heating costs. The disadvantage to this is that winter often sends our indoor air quality levels plummeting to year-long lows. And boy, do we feel it. The air just seems stale, and almost sickly. Nothing like the fresh, healthy, inspiring air that travels freely through our homes when we throw open the windows during warm spring days. Here at South Nashville Heating & Cooling, we care about your comfort. That’s why we’re sharing with you our list of the Top 10 Plants for Indoor Air Quality, as well as the toxins they combat; followed by a couple more great solutions. Enjoy!
Top 10 Plants for Indoor Air Quality
1) Aloe Vera
Formaldehyde and benzene
2) Bamboo Palm
Benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde
3) English Ivy
Airborne fecal-matter particles and some formaldehyde
4) Golden Pothos
5) Peace Lily
Formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene, toluene and xylene
6) Philodendron
All kinds of VOC, especially formaldehyde
7) Snake Plant (Mother-In-Law’s Tongue)
8) Spider Plant
Benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene
9) Warneck dracaena (Corn Plant)
Pollutants in varnishes and oils
10) Weeping Fig (Ficus Variety)
Formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene
Houseplants do their best de-toxifying work
as part of a team. Check out these two great options available from South Nashville Heating & Cooling:
This whole-home air cleaner by American Standard removes up to 99.98 percent of airborne allergens from your filtered indoor air. It’s simply the most effective whole-home air filtration system in the nation, period.
This affordable and space saving air cleaner provides impressive, highly efficient air cleaning using than a 40-watt bulb.
For Your Best Winter Air Quality,
Call South Nashville Heating & Cooling
At South Nashville Heating & Cooling, we offer professional commercial & residential air quality options, as well as general HVAC heating system maintenance, repair, and installation you can count on! Give us a call at (615) 834-1636 to set up a free in-home consultation!
To sign up for a $250 new system rebate, click the link below: